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Immigration Lawyers in Sydney Give You the Best Chance to Obtain an Australian Visa

Immigration Lawyers in Sydney Give You the Best Chance to Obtain an Australian Visa

Australia recently tightened its immigration laws, which makes it even more important for people to seek advice from an experienced lawyer. The government decided to toughen up immigration laws, which were used by the previous conservative government to deal with the backlog of asylum seekers who have arrived in Australia in recent years. Immigration lawyers in Sydney can help ensure that your application process goes as smoothly as possible and give you the best chance to obtain an Australian visa.


What Is a Temporary Protection Visa?

Temporary protection visas grant refugees protection for up to three years, but do not give them the right to settle in Australia for good.


Unfortunately, the temporary nature of this visa also means that refugees may be returned home to their country of origin at the end of that period.


Can I Bring Over My Family or Partner?

There are several visa options that allow Australian citizens to bring their partner, children, or family members to Australia. Some visa classes within the family stream are subject to being capped and queued. These visas can have extensive waiting periods, which may affect your decision to apply for one of these visas.


In May 2017, the Australian government announced the introduction of the new temporary sponsored parent visa for parents of Australians. This new visa will allow Australians to sponsor their parents to stay in Australia for up to five years at a time.


Some applications can take up to ten years to process, so it is imperative to seek advice about whether your family member is likely to qualify for a visa and what is involved in the application.


What Can a Lawyer Do for Me?

Hiring a lawyer will give most people the best chance at obtaining an Australian visa. An experienced lawyer can help guide you through the process, ensuring all of your applications are filled out properly and all of your statements are expressed clearly.


If you have a genuine claim to be recognized as a refugee, your lawyer will interview you and complete the application forms on your behalf. They will also prepare a detailed statement explaining why you fear returning to your home country and lodge your application with the Department of Immigration.


Additionally, your lawyer may also be able to attend your interview with the Department of Immigration to ensure that it goes as smoothly as possible.


Whether you are seeking refugee status or you are looking to be reunited with your family, it has become more difficult to obtain an Australian visa in recent years. Hiring a lawyer will give you or your loved ones the best chance at getting approved for an Australian visa.


As the laws surrounding immigration have tightened, it has become even more important to seek guidance and legal advice from immigration lawyers in Sydney. Without one, you run the risk of misrepresenting yourself or your loved ones on the application, which could result in your visa application being denied.

Skilled Visa Requirements

Seeking asylum in Australia is just one reason to immigrate. Many workers want to explore employment opportunities available in Sydney, a cultural and iconic city. People wishing to apply for an Australia Skilled Visa must meet several requirements as well before consideration is even given. Applicants must be under the age of 45 and be able to speak English with ample proficiency suitable in professional settings. The skills you hold in a professional capacity and qualify you for a position in the Australian workforce must be listed on the Medium and Short-term Strategic Skills list. You must prove your qualifications for these positions when applying for the visa.

Lastly, there are three types of assessments that you must pass to qualify for a skilled visa. You must undergo a character assessment, a skills assessment, and a health assessment. A panel doctor will deliver a medical examination and the Australian Assessing Authority will determine if you possess the skills and experience necessary to hold a position successfully. If you are unable to meet the requirements of the skilled visa and pass the points test, you will not qualify for immigration approval. However, reaching out to an immigration lawyer in Sydney will provide worthy information and next steps.


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